Sunday, July 20, 2008


Today I went to the Spa and it was good. I don't see what the big deal is. People pay alot of money to have someone get them a facial and take care of their body for a hour or longer. I am glad I went my body looks great and the lady wanted to know what I was using on my skin because it is nice and soft. I talked to a feel of the women that worked at the Spa and found out one of them had children and she does not get that much time for herself. I would like to have children someday but for now it is all about me. I help out people as much as I can but if I don't look right then I don't feel right. I went to the Coffee shop and their Internet was down that was bad. Plus my friend was supports to be meeting me at the Coffee shop left before I got there. He called me a few time and left some messages but my phone was turned off. He knows I can not be one time so he should not be shocked but I will work on that. My other friend called me and went on and on like he always does. He needs a life and so do I. I went to the store to put up some beef stew for dinner and came home. I will get my school work done but that beef stew is looking good and taste better.

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